I paint the life I live.

Kyle Parker Cunningham (American)(b. 1983)
Taos & Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
Topics (alphabetical):
abstraction: meditations in paint
artist statement: what exactly am I up to
animism: acknowledging animals have intelligence and souls.
biography: third person look at my own life.
chronology: alternative personal history.
installations: the whole is bigger than the parts.
materials: the objects I use to create art.
portraiture: exploring why I paint people.
Email: analogkyle@gmail.com
Phone: 575.519.4773
instagram & facebook: @kyleparkercunningham
mastodon: https://merveilles.town/@kpc
See Also: https://intentionallyconfusing.com
Exhibiting: https://desertarchaic.com
Shop: https://shop.intentionallyconfusing.com